Tuesday 31 January 2012

Daniel Bryan finally showing us what he can do

I received a lot of mixed feedback for my earlier article about Daniel Bryan, in which I gave ten reasons why he sucks and five reasons on how he can improve. Surely, after reading the article, Bryan took this sacred information to heart as he has embraced many of my five points and began to show us what he is capable of.

Bryan had a stellar match with CM Punk on Raw last night, in a champion vs. champion match that lasted around fifteen minutes. In the match we didn't see the usual Bryan five-moves-of-doom that I spoke of in my last article, but instead we saw the Bryan that ROH fans have been telling us about since he arrived in the WWE - a technical expert with an impressive array of submission maneuvers, some of which have never been seen in a WWE ring before.

Another aspect of Bryan's performance as of late that has impressed me is his mannerisms in and out of the ring. His cry of "Yes! Yes! Yes!" every time he flukes a win is hilarious and his annoying demeanor is reminiscent of Christian's heel turn last year during his feud with Randy Orton. His microphone work is also better than it was and he has toned down the more annoying aspects of his promos and matches, such as building himself into a frenzy which looked annoying - another point I made in my earlier article. He also seems to suit being a heel more than a face, but if he had more matches like he did on last night's Raw he could easily turn face again in the future.

Part of the problem of why I and many others never took to Daniel Bryan at first was because of the online consensus amongst ROH fans that Bryan was the best wrestler in the world. This opinion is not just an annoying and arrogant one, but one that directly attacks WWE fans - claiming because they do not watch ROH. This is perhaps the main reason Bryan was not accepted straight away by a large portion of the fans, which ROH fans quickly blamed on WWE fans unrefined tastes - a taste marred by Vince McMahon's supposed love of "big" wrestlers. Another fallacy - look at how many smaller guys Vince has pushed over the years - Shawn Michaels, Rey Mysterio, Bret Hart - but I digress.

I do not expect Bryan to be in a headline WrestleMania bout this year, as he is yet to even appear on the most prestigious PPV in the business in a mid-card match - but if he finds himself in more long one-on-one bouts like his match with CM Punk last night on Raw, Bryan will surely get over at a main event or sub-main event level. He has more charisma than Chris Benoit and seemingly he has the technical prowess to match him.

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