But this won't be your typical run-of-the-mill wrestling blog. I hate most other wrestling blogs, especially amateur ones, because they're so negative and critical. That is what is wrong with the whole internet wrestling community these days - y'all can't just enjoy some good old fashioned wrasslin' without bitching about something.
I had a subscription to Wrestling Observer for about a month, but it wasn't worth the dollars I parted with, because all I got was Bryan Alvarez and Dave Meltzer telling me how much wrestling sucks and MMA rules. I get that negativity sells, but don't completely downplay the product you cover, otherwise you'll kill off your audience. Your site is called "Wrestling" Observer for a reason, so either change the name or stop moaning.
So in short, I aim to bring some of the joy back into watching wrestling by posting blogs that will be humourous, positive - not that I'm ruling out negativity entirely, cause that shit sells. In fact, this debut post itself is highly negative and somewhat inflammatory.. but thats because I'm here to challenge your current perceptions and misconceptions.. It's all because I'm a passionate fella and in time you will see me sing praise and spew vitriol in equal amount - but you'll like it all because it's original and I'm here to shake things up.. My name is Washington David and this is No Smark Chicks! Now hit my fuckin' music.. *drops mic*
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