Monday 30 January 2012

Wrestling Match Ratings 23 Jan - 29 Jan

All ratings out of 5.00

Raw 23 Jan 2012 - John Cena and CM Punk vs. Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler - 1.50
Raw 23 Jan 2012 - Kane vs. Zack Ryder - 0.75
Raw 23 Jan 2012 - Sheamus vs. Jinder Mahal - 0.25
Raw 23 Jan 2012 - Brodus Clay vs. Heath Slater - /
Raw 23 Jan 2012 - The Miz vs. R-Truth - 0.50
NXT 25 Jan 2012 - The Usos vs. Curt Hawkins and Tyler Reks - 0.50
NXT 25 Jan 2012 - Heath Slater vs. Trent Baretta - 0.75
NXT 25 Jan 2012 - Percy Watson vs. Titus O'Neal - 1.00
Superstars 26 Jan 2012 - Jinder Mahal vs. Tyson Kidd - 0.50
Superstars 26 Jan 2012 - Beth Phoenix vs. Brie Bella - 0.25
Superstars 26 Jan 2012 - Kofi Kingston vs. Michael McGillicutty - 1.00
Smackdown 27 Jan 2012 - Cody Rhodes vs. Justin Gabriel - 0.50
Smackdown 27 Jan 2012 - Sheamus vs. Drew Mcintyre - 0.50
Smackdown 27 Jan 2012 - Epico and Primo vs. Santino Marella and Yoshi Tatsu - 0.50
Smackdown 27 Jan 2012 - Hunico vs. Ted Dibiase - 0.50
Smackdown 27 Jan 2012 - Brodus Clay vs. Ted Dibiase - 0.25
Smackdown 27 Jan 2012 - Aksana vs. Natalya - /
Smackdown 27 Jan 2012 - Mark Henry vs. Big Show - /
Royal Rumble 29 Jan 2012 - Daniel Bryan vs. Big Show vs. Mark Henry - Steel Cage Match, World Heavyweight Title - 1.75
Royal Rumble 29 Jan 2012 - Beth Phoenix, Natalya, and The Bella Twins vs. Kelly Kelly, Alicia Fox, Tamina, and Eve - 0.25
Royal Rumble 29 Jan 2012 - John Cena vs. Kane - 2.00
Royal Rumble 29 Jan 2012 - Brodus Clay vs. Drew Mcintyre - 0.25
Royal Rumble 29 Jan 2012 - CM Punk vs. Dolph Ziggler - 1.50
Royal Rumble 29 Jan 2012 - Royal Rumble Match - 3.75

WWE match of the week:

Impact 26 Jan 2012 -  Tara vs. Velvet Sky vs. Mickie James - 0.50
Impact 26 Jan 2012 -  Alex Shelly vs. Zema Ion - 0.50
Impact 26 Jan 2012 -  Angelina Love and Winter vs. Eric Young and ODB - 0.75
Impact 26 Jan 2012 -  Matt Morgan vs. Samoa Joe - 0.50
Impact 26 Jan 2012 -  Bully Ray and Robert Roode vs. Jeff Hardy and James Storm - 1.50

Ring Ka King 28 Jan 2012 - Mahabali Verra vs. Dr. Nick Dinsmore - 0.25
Ring Ka King 28 Jan 2012 - Matt Morgan vs. Magnus - 0.50
Ring Ka King 29 Jan 2012 - Scott Steiner vs. Maxx B - 0.25
Ring Ka King 29 Jan 2012 - Mumbai Cats vs. The Sheikhs - 0.25
Ring Ka King 29 Jan 2012 - Sonjay Dutt vs. Chavo Guerrero - 0.75

TNA match of the week: Bully Ray and Robert Roode vs. Jeff Hardy and James Storm - 1.50

Top 5 matches of the week overall
1. Royal Rumble 29 Jan 2012 - Royal Rumble Match - 3.75
2. Royal Rumble 29 Jan 2012 - John Cena vs. Kane - 2.00
3. Royal Rumble 29 Jan 2012 - Daniel Bryan vs. Big Show vs. Mark Henry - Steel Cage Match, World Heavyweight Title - 1.75
4. Raw 23 Jan 2012 - John Cena and CM Punk vs. Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler - 1.50
5. Impact 26 Jan 2012 - Bully Ray and Robert Roode vs. Jeff Hardy and James Storm - 1.50

Disclaimer: Don't be alarmed if you think the ratings are low, as all the ratings are on a strict scale, as to protect excellence.  A top calibre TV match, but with no backstory for example, will find itself around the 1.00-1.50 range.  This doesn't mean it was a bad match - it is just being compared to a 5 star match such as Bret Hart vs. Stone Cold's submission match at WrestleMania 13 - the measuring stick.

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