Thursday 19 January 2012

How I Would Book WrestleMania 28

If Vince McMahon were to approach me today and say, "D, I need your help.. all my writers suck and you're my only shot at getting WrestleMania 28 right.  It's a big year, so please, I'll give you anything you want.  Money, fame, private jets - you name it, you've got it," I would reply, after much hesitation to keep him on the edge of his seat, "Sure Vince, here's how it will go.."

John Cena vs. The RockPretty self-explanatory, and destined to be perhaps the biggest spectacle in wrestling since Andre vs. Hogan at WrestleMania 3.  How I would book the finish?  It all depends on what The Rock's contract status is, so I won't guess at this one and leave it up to Vince to decide.
Winner: ???

The Miz vs. CM Punk - WWE TitleDespite having a match with Punk at TLC, Miz has rarely met Punk anywhere in WWE and the two could hit gold in a feud with one another leading up to Mania.  The Miz can be John Laurinaitis' ultimate yes-man, the clean image, the workrate outside the ring we all know about, his corporate style and distinct WWE style.. Punk is the anti-thesis to The Miz, with an indie background and an indie attitude to boot.  However, put the two together and you will get gold - both are just as good as the other as bringing opponents down on the mic, and their mic-work leading up to WrestleMania could make this feud a must-see.  I would have Miz win the belt at Mania and retain his slowly-building WrestleMania win streak.
Winner: The Miz 

Big Show and Shaq vs. Mark Henry and Kane - Tag Team TitlesIt seems fair to say that Shaq is going to appear in some form at Mania, but instead of the Big Show heel turn that everybody is expecting, how about the two team up to form the "World's Largest Tag Team" and take on.. Mark Henry and Kane for the titles.  A true battle of four monsters, but nothing too serious - simply a quick celebrity match.  Have Henry and Kane pick up the tag belts some how before Mania and then face off against Show and Shaq for the belts - giving the belts, and the match a little bit more meaning.  Oh, and have Shaq and Show win the belts for excitement purposes - they can drop them on Raw the night after if needs be.  Perfect filler match inbetween The Miz-Punk and the following..
Winner: The Big Show and Shaq

Undertaker vs. Chris JerichoEveryone is expecting a Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk match, but I believe this would be a much better and more exciting match for Jericho to work.  It seems as though Jericho's return is only for the short term, as he has work commitments booked with Fozzy in the near future.  It would seem fruitless to put him in a WWE title match, as that title should be reserved for guys who are working regularly.  Jericho and Taker are both masters at their game and could steal the show with this match.  It would also give Jericho's creepy "end of the world" videos some meaning, as they could relate it to Undertaker in some fashion.  Of course, Taker wins this match, and he goes 20-0 at 'Mania.
Winner: Undertaker 

Divas Battle RoyaleJust to get all the divas on the card and all get a pay-day, a divas battle royale, or 5-man tag team match, or whatever they have to.  Filler match inbetween the main events.
Winner: err... Khama as a surprise entrant, if she's available

Cody Rhodes vs. Randy Orton - Intercontinental Title vs. World TitleI was surprised that Rhodes and Orton didn't feud in this past year on Smackdown together, as it seemed to be written in the stars when Orton made the draft move to the Friday night show.  However, it could be that they are saving Rhodes/Orton for 'Mania and beyond, and I would be happy if that were the case.  We saw them briefly feud on Smackdown and they had a PPV match, but it could have been so much more - and that could be the case at 'Mania.  I'd love to see Cody Rhodes win the Royal Rumble and, as he hilariously said on Smackdown "Do a Ultimate Warrior.. though that could mean many things..."  Of course, he means win the World Heavyweight Title.  I'd love to see the IC title up for grabs here too, giving more meaning to the match.  If Cody won this, he would be in line to be the next big star on par with Randy Orton or John Cena and the next face of the WWE - and that would be.. dashing. 
Winner: Cody Rhodes 

Sheamus vs. Wade Barrett
Like the above match, Sheamus and Wade Barrett is a feud I expected to see more of on Smackdown this year, but we only saw glimpses of it.  Of course, they are feuding going into the Rumble, and both seem to be favourites to win it, but I would prefer to see them lightly feud until the weeks before WrestleMania, at the Rumble and then in the Smackdown Elimination Chamber match (which Orton would win the World Title in).  Then in the build up to WrestleMania, they could turn this into a great grudge match - both are roughly the same size, both are brilliant on the mic and both are distinct heel and faces who get the right reactions from the crowd.  All the makings of a mid-card WrestleMania match that needs to happen.  I pick Sheamus for the win, as it's 'Mania and the babyfaces tend to win.
Winner: Sheamus 

Money in the Bank - Christian, Daniel Bryan, Alberto Del Rio, Dolph Ziggler, R-Truth, Zack Ryder, Rey Mysterio, HunicoThey didn't book a MITB for last year but with the roster being stacked full of quality talent more so than last year, it seems the right thing to do to squeeze the likes of these competitors onto the card - most of whom have been in PPV main events over the course of the last year.  Let's see Ziggler win this one here and get the big push that all MITB winners have had before him.
Winner: Dolph Ziggler 

Jack Swagger vs. Kofi Kingston - US TitleThese two have worked great matches in the past and Kofi deserves a singles match after having been forced to tag team with the incompetent Evan Bourne for the last few months or so.  Give Kofi the win here for another babyface win to keep the fans happy.
Winner: Kofi Kingston 

Dark Match Battle Royale
The annual dark match battle royale.  Won't bother listing all the Superstars and NXT alumni, but have Santino Marella win to get the show off to a good start.
Winner: Santino Marella

So there we have it, the ultimate card for WrestleMania 28.  I'll be waiting for my seven figure cheque in the mail, Vince...


  1. Saw your plug for this on WF, its a really good blog that I'll be keeping up with, I hope you stick with it. I agreed with most of your points here but I don't know about Punk/Miz being a strong WWE Title match for this show. I think they should just go with Punk/Jericho and Taker/HHH 2, but that's just me.

  2. I think Miz and Punk could create a buzz for the match through their promo work alone, both are great and have similar styles on the mic. I think one of the reasons Miz should be in the main event is, despite how poorly he's been booked the last few months, he won the main event of WrestleMania last year and headlined Survivor Series against The Rock.. to go from that to nothing is pretty inconsistent writing, whatever your views on The Miz are

    Cheers for the compliments too :)
