Thursday 9 February 2012

How will WWE get around the problem of Undertaker's supposed wig?

As Undertaker returned over a week ago to the shock and awe of the fans, posing questions as to what his intentions were, a large portion of the viewing audience had a different question on their mind - is that a wig?

When pictures of a bald-looking Undertaker came out a few months ago, I was skeptical as to whether it was real, a photoshop or a doppelganger - but seeing The Deadman return on Raw in what was blatantly a wig, I was convinced that the leaked photos must have been true.

If that's the case, that Undertaker has returned wearing a wig, then how are they going to get around him wrestling Triple H at WrestleMania? It's all well and good him wearing the wig for his promos, covered by a hat - but say if Taker's wig was to fall off when Triple H was hitting his 4th pedigree of the match. The illusion of the Undertaker that has been built over two decades would be shattered in an instant.

As I watched, I asked myself - how could they possibly get around this? Then I remembered Kane recently returned also wearing a wig and has had no problem so far. Of course, he has been re-masked and so the mask keeps his wig tightly in place.

My thought pattern continued and I remembered also that had been promoting images of Undertaker in recent weeks, wearing a mask eerily similar to Kane's current one, back in the mid-nineties. He had to wear the mask because of a nose injury, much like Cody Rhodes character of 2011, so they worked the mask into his character.

With Kane probably ending his angle with John Cena at Elimination Chamber so Cena can go on to feud with The Rock, will Kane and Undertaker cross paths in any way? Something could happen on the road to Wrestlemania which sees Undertaker return wearing his mask from the 90's, as to be able to wrestle Triple H with long hair again.

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