Monday 13 February 2012

Why wrestling promotions should pay no attention to what the internet wants

The other day when I was browsing Royal Rumble entries on Wikipedia, I noticed that in the 2008 Rumble The Miz was eliminated by Hornswoggle. Funny, I thought - who knew back then that The Miz would go on to headline WrestleMania 27 last year? Not I, and I'm willing to bet 99.9% of you never thought so either. It then occurred to me that this years' Rumble winner, Sheamus, was also recently eliminated by Hornswoggle in a battle royale match on Smackdown. Am I onto something, I thought to myself.

Then something else clicked - not only was Sheamus eliminated in a Battle Royale by Hornswoggle recently, but so was the One Man Southern Rock Band (what an amazing name), Heath Slater. Could Heath Slater possibly go on to headline WrestleMania one day in the future and keep the Hornswoggle theory going?

Heath Slater is awesome and one of the brightest hidden gems on NXT right now and if WWE has any sense they will push him into a mid-card slot on Smackdown after WrestleMania. Great on the mic, pretty good in the ring and a unique image to boot. But the fact that most people of the so-called "IWC" don't buy Slater as a legit star of the future isn't my point here.

I posted a thread on that was intended to be a jovial, humorous look at my Hornswoggle theory, saying one day that if my theory proves correct that Heath Slater will headline WrestleMania.  Instead of light pats on the back for a good joke well done and green reps, I mostly received replies calling my theory "stupid", that Heath Slater will never headline WrestleMania and that I'm an idiot.

Here's an example of the idiocy:

"Heath Slater wont be headling Wrestlemania" (What an astute observation) 
"conspiracy theory, don't forget your foil hat." (Conspiracy? Who is conspiring against who? Learn what a conspiracy is idiot..)
"Heath Slater will never main event a Wrestlemania, the Hornswoggle theory is a bunch of nonsense." (I love the way he says "the" Hornswoggle theory, as if it's some established scientific theory, such as "the" theory of evolution)

I didn't even bother replying to these comments on the forum - why should I lower myself to such stupidity? And so why should WWE or TNA give a damn what these fools think. Too dumb to even get a joke thread about a ludicrous "Hornswoggle Theory" and too dumb to see that Heath Slater is a star in the making.

To be fair though, there were plenty of people who did get it too and chimed in with their own jokes, but still.. wrestling isn't supposed to be serious. If you're so serious about wrasslin' that you can't understand a joke about Heath Slater being a future WrestleMania headliner and a Hornswoggle theory, you shouldn't be commenting on how WWE or TNA should book their product.

Anyway, who cares.. hit my motherfuckin' music

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